Payment - School Fee etc.

The school usually charges 600 USD all inclusive - training, food and a private room. It wouldn't be the first time they ask for US-dollars, but with a credit card you can only draw Chinese yuan. Of course they will also accept your yuan, if you tell them that you can't draw american dollars. Most foreign wushu students only stay for a few weeks, that's why paying in advance is quite common. But if you plan to stay for more than a month, paying in advance can be a very bad idea. Click Here for more information about wushu training in China.

More: Payment - School Fee etc.

  • Some people asked me if they could find a job in Yun Cheng or work as an english teacher (native speaker) in the school while studying there. The answer is NO. Not that nobody would employ you, but the salary would be too low to make a difference. Most teachers only earn 700 Yuan per month, and some of the better jobs in the city pay about 1200 Yuan. Unfortunately wushu school's are very expensive and especially for Chinese students they are hard to afford. Only rich parents can send their kids to schools like Song Jiang. Foreigners pay even more, but that's in particular because of the private room and the translations you will need all the time. In Beijing and Shang Hai you would pay much more for the same service. There are also schools where you can live in a cheaper room, but you would still pay around 450 USD. However, if you want to ask if you can teach english in the school or work somewhere in Yun Cheng, feel free to ask mr. Li Chen. Maybe the situation is different by now. If you are going to Beijing or Shanghai, you might be able to work for somebody from your country who has his business in China. There are many european and american companies, restaurants and shops in Shanghai and Beijing. But that's a different story.

Advice: Payment - School Fee etc.

  • Don't pay too much money in advance. It will be hard to get your money back, if you become sick or can't train because of an injury. It is also difficult to get a refund if the Chinese students get a break and your personal instructor never sows up during the vacation. After all they don't get paid extra for teaching you during the break, and why should they work if they don't get paid. That's an internal problem of the school and I have seen the same issue at many Chinese martial arts academies.
  • Don't draw too much money at once and keep your cash-bundles in a save place.
  • Avoid paying in US-Dollors. You can only draw Chinese yuan and if you want dollars, you will have to pay the interest for the exchange rate.
  • If you speak Chinese, you can ask the school to reconsider your school fee. Maybe they will allow you to pay school fee, living and food separately. This way, you could look for a new restaurant or save some money by living in a cheaper room or sharing a room with another student. However, it is very difficult to persuade the headmaster for this deal.