The Toprock - Breakdance

The Toprock

The toprock is the most basic breakdance step (similar to the capoeira ginga). Start from the toprock and then go into more difficult breakdance moves. The toprock is also used to warm up and make space on dance-floor.

Description: Breakdance - Toprock

  • Relax your arms and just let them go. Start with a long deep step with your right leg to your left.
  • hop back to the middle with your left leg and then make a small step with your right.
  • A long step with your left leg (now to your right side) follows.
  • Go back to the middle and do 2 small steps, before you start all over again.

Trainer advice: Breakdance - Toprock

  • At the beginning count:
    Left: step, step, Long
    Right: step, step, Long

Videos: Breakdance - Toprock

  • None