Mae Geri Kekomi - Karate

Mae Geri Kekomi - Karate

Learn how to do a mae geri kekomi (thrusted karate front kick). A Mae Geri Kekomi is when you kick straight forward and hit the opponent with the ball of your foot. For more karate kicks and punches goto karate main.

Description: Mae Geri Kekomi - Karate

  • Lift the knee of your kicking leg. If you kick with the backleg, the mae geri kekomi will be stronger and if you kick with the frontleg, the kick will be faster.
  • Kick and push forward the hip at the same time, to make your mae geri kekomi more powerful. (Timing: You have to push forward the hip at the right moment - That's the most difficult part of the thrusted karate front kick)
  • Bring back your foot as fast as possible. The opponent should not be able to catch your leg.
  • Bring the kicking leg back to the floor

Trainer Advice: Mae Geri Kekomi - Karate

  • At the beginning you should practice the Mae Geri Kekomi in 3 Phases.
    1st Lift knee
    2nd Kick and push forward knee
    3rd Bring back foot (see phase 1)
  • Don't hit with your heels or your toes.

Videos: Mae Geri Kekomi - Karate

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