Calcium and Sports Nutrition

Calcium is the most represented mineral in the human body and the 2nd most import mineral in sports nutrition. (right after magnesium). It is the mayor building block of our bones and also does its part every time you contract a muscle. Calcium to phosphorus ratio should be 1:1, but most amateurs only care about their protein intake and because most protein rich foods contain more phosphorus than calcium they don't get enough calcium. Keep in mind that overdosing one mineral can lead to a functional imbalance of another mineral. Find more sports nutrition related topics at nutrition main.

Description: Calcium and Sports Nutrition

  • The most important functions of calcium are:
    • Bone structure
    • Muscle contractions
    • Teeth structure
    • Aids in blood clotting
    • Nerve function
    • Aids in maintaining normal levels of blood pressure
    • Production of stomach acid
  • Recommended calcium intake:
    • 1 to 3 years old: 500 mg / day
    • 4 to 8 years old: 800 mg / day
    • 9 to 18 years old: 1,300 mg / day
    • Adults: 1000 to 1300 mg / day

Foods: Calcium and Sports Nutrition

  • Milk products
  • Cheese
  • Yogurt
  • Sardines
  • Whitebait
  • Eggnog
  • Calcium enriched soy drinks
  • Calcium supplements

Advice: Calcium and Sports Nutrition

  • Weight training enhances bone mineral density and therefore increases calcium demand.
  • One cup of milk covers one third of an adults daily calcium requirement.
  • Low fat milk products usually contain less calcium than full milk products.
  • Female athletes need more calcium than male athletes. (hormonal reasons)
  • Vitamin D helps with calcium absorption. But be careful, don't overdose vitamin D.