Amino Tablets

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and amino tablets provide your body with amino acids in its purest form. When you supplement amino acids in liquid or tablet form, your body doesn't have to break down the protein into amino acids. Amino acids are also responsible for the production of digestive enzymes => Your body needs amino acids in order to get even more aminos from normal food. Find more sports nutrition related topics at nutrition main, or click here to learn more about sports supplements.

Description: Amino Tablets

  • Amino liquids and amino tablets are pretty much the same, but amino liquids usually come with sugar and are absorbed much faster. Personally I prefer amino liquids and for me they are more effective. I only use amino tables if i don't want to carry around the bottle or don't have a cool place to keep my bottle.
  • All types of physiological processes are linked to amino acids: Energy household, recovery ability, muscle and strength gains, fat loss and even mood and brain function.
  • During an intensive workout your body can start breaking down muscle tissue for energy production (if there are not enough energy resources from carbohydrates. To avoid this you can take BCAA's (branched chain amino acids)
  • There are 9 indispensable amino acids (IAA, also called essential amino acids), meaning that they must be supplied from some food or supplement source. Others are synthesized them these 9 (Dispensable Amino Acids - DAA). That doesn't sound very important for your nutrition, but the content and balance of amino acids, especially the ratio of IAA to DAA, is what determines the actual value of a protein food or supplement. The quality of amino acids in lean meat is always better than in vegetables. That's why it just makes sense for vegetarians to take amino tablets.
  • Creatine is made from 3 amino acids: Arginine, Methionine and Glycine.

Advice: Amino Tablets

  • Best time for amino tablets: Directly after a heavy workout
  • My personal favorites: Universal Animal Pack