Over Hip Throw

The Hip Wheel

This is one of the most popular Throws of Shuijiao (The judo technique is the same, only that in Shuai Jiao, the point is made, when the opponent touches the floor). This is just a test tutorial: (animation and description will be renewed soon)

Description: Shuai Jiao - Hip Wheel

  • Jump in (Heels down, Knee bent, both hands grab opponents uniform)
  • To throw your opponent, following movements have to be done together: Pull down hands, straighten knees and lift heels, to lift your "enemy" with your hip, Move hip back and torso down. As soon as you lift your partner, look to your own shoes.

Trainer advice: Shuai Jiao - Hip Wheel

  • Jump in fast!

Videos: Shuai Jiao - Hip Wheel

  • None