Where is Song Jiang Wushu School ?

The Song Jiang Wushu School is located in a city called Yun Cheng. Yun Cheng is quite a poor place and looks very small, but it actually has more than 1,2 million inhabitants. Yun Cheng is a city in He Ze district which has 7 million inhabitants and He Ze lies in the south-west of Shan Dong Province. Shan Dong is about as big as Germany and you can find it on every China map (capital Ji Nan). Click here for more information about wushu training in China.

More: Where is Song Jiang Wushu School ?

  • There are a few trains from Beijing to Yun Cheng every day. It will take you a bit more than 1 hour from the airport to the Beijing West Train Station and if you are smart, you will ask Lichen to pick you up. Why, because if you are unlucky, you will have to stand in a line for many hours. Don't be upset if you have to wait 24 hours for the next train tickets. There is a nice 3 star hotel on the opposite to the train station. With 350 to 400 Yuan it's quite expensive for Chinese means, but it's pretty clean and safe for you passports and credit cards.
  • You can also take a flight to Ji Nan instead of Beijing. (a bit more expensive) Of course you will miss China's best sights, but Ji Nan is closer to Yun Cheng. With a 3 hours bus ride you will reach the school much faster. Anyway, unless you speak Chinese, I recommend you still ask Lichen for his cell phone number before you fly to Ji Nan. Don't make the mistake of going without his number.
  • Another option would be Shang Hai. From Shang Hai to the Song Jiang Wushu School it's just as far as from Beijing to Song Jiang. Lichen isn't that familiar with Shang Hai though.
  • How is Yun Cheng:
    Poor, dry, flat - no mountains no hills, a lot of farmers, vaporous, a lot of loud and dirty cars, incredible pollution, boring. There is only the Wushu School and DICO's, a fast food restaurant. The rest is irrelevant for foreigners. Many people in the city have never seen a foreigner before. Most people work as taxi drivers, hair dressers or are farmers. There are no high buildings and it seems incredible that 1,2 million can live in such a small place.

Advice: Where is Song Jiang Wushu School ?

  • I recommend you take a flight to Beijing and ask Mr. Lichen to send somebody to pick you up. He will usually come himself, because he is the person he speaks best english at Song Jiang. However, don't forget to ask him for his cell phone number, before you leave your country, because if there are any problems or if he can't get a train ticket, you should be able to call him from the airport. The chance that he will be late is very high, so don't forget his number !
  • When you ge back to Beijing, make sure you don't travel last minute. Sometimes they will sell you a train ticket, but if the train is too crowded, the won't let you in.Of course they will give you a refund, but you don't wanna miss you plane. That's why I always recommend to do all the Beijing-Sight-Seeing before you fly back home. Go to Beijing 1 to 3 days early and if there are any problems, you will have enough time. Besides you can go by bus or with a car if there are any problems.