Back Exercise - Pull-Ups behind Neck

Back Exercise - Pull-Ups behind Neck

The pull-up behind the neck is a back exercise that works out the lats, the upper back muscles and the biceps. This exercise is usually done on a pull-up bar, but can also be done without any training equipment for example on a tree or a soccer goal. Pull-ups behind the neck are harder than pull-ups to the chest and chin-ups. If you can't even do 4 repetitions, I suggest you do wide grip pull-downs behind the neck instead. Find more back exercises at weight training and bodybuilding.


  • Grasp the pull-up bar with your hands a bit less than 2 shoulder widths apart. Keep your entire body straight and extend your knees. This way you can't create momentum with your legs. Also contract your abdominals slightly (don't hollow your back). Start with your arms almost extended.
  • Then pull yourself up in front of the bar and exhale. Let the upper back or the neck touch the pull-up bar. Don't swing your legs or hollow your back.
  • Move back down slowly and inhale at the same time. The down motion should be slower than the up motion. If you let yourself fall, you can injure your elbows.