Linear Wing Chun Punch (chun kuen)

Linear Wing Chun Punch Instruction

In this lesson you will learn how to execute a linear wing chun punch (chun kuen). Everybody who has been into Wing Chun, knows that wing chun practitioners punch with a vertical fist. This is called "Sun Fist". The linear wing chun punch's impact is made with the bottom three knuckles and the elbow points down slightly. It's believed that this keeps the wrist in proper alignment and reduces the risk of injury . This is also the famous one inch punch performed by Bruce Lee in 1964 at the Long Beach international karate tournament. Find more wing chun instructions at wing chun main.

Description: Linear Wing Chun Punch Instruction

  • Punch in a straight line (shortest way)
  • Don't move your shoulders.
  • Shortly before you reach the opponent, twist the fist 90 degrees. This is typical for wing chun. In most martial arts styles the fist is twisted 180 degrees.
  • The impact is made with the bottom 3 knuckles.
  • Elbow points down slightly
  • Pull back the shortest line (straight - linear)

Trainer advice: Linear Wing Chun Punch Instruction

  • Practice in front of a mirror.