3 Sectional Staff Back Twirl - Wushu

3 Sectional Staff Back Twirl - Wushu

The back twirl with the 3 sectional staff is technically exactly the same as the back twirl with the staff. Because the normal wushu staff is easier to control, you are suggested to learn the back twirl with the staff first. Find more 3 sectional staff techniques at 3-s-staff main.

Description: 3 Sectional Staff Back Twirl - Wushu

  • Hold the mid-segment of your 3 sectional staff vertical with your right hand in front of your. (thumb points up) Hold the mid_segment in the middle or in the lower 1/3. Then put your left hand over your right hand so that your thumbs are crossed. Keep the left hand on top of the right hand during the whole technique.
    • The segment to which your thumbs point is the top-segment. The other side of the 3 sectional staff is the end-segment.
  • Start swinging the 3 sectional staff forward up, so that the top-segment flies over your right shoulder. Swing the 3 sectional staff fast enough so that the segments line up.
    • It's a good idea to strike out before the actual back twirl. (to line up the segments) Hold your 3 sectional staff like described above, but twist the mid-segment 180 degrees forward, so that the top-segment hangs at the beginning. This way you have some spin before the actual twirl begins. (which straightens the 3 sectional staff)
  • Then shift your hands to the left, so that the end-segment of the 3 sectional staff passes on the left side of your head. After that the top-segment passes on the left side.
  • Finally pull back your hands to the right side and let the 3-s-staff pass on your right agin. When you do the backswing, the 3 sectional staff makes one rotation on your right side and one rotation on your left side.

Trainer advice: 3 Sectional Staff Back Twirl - Wushu

  • The main problem learning the back and the front twirl with the 3 sectional staff is, that this is a flexible wepon. So if you just started learning 3 sectional staff techniques, you might hit yourself with the outer segments at the beginning.
    • 1 put foam over the outer segments of you 3 sectional staff.
    • The front and the back twirl with the staff are technically exactly the same as front and back twirl with the 3 sectional staff. So it's a good idea to learn those techniques with the staff first.
    • If you start with a fast short spin, the 3 sectional staff straightend up.
  • Keep the 3 sectional staff very very close to the body.