Flip Staff from Floor to Shoulders - Wushu Monkey Staff

Flip Staff from Floor to Shoulders - Wushu Monkey Staff

How to flip the Staff from the Floor onto the Shoulders. In monkey staff forms, the monkey sometimes leaves the staff on the floor to perform regular wushu monkey style techniques. Of course the form has to end with the staff in the hands. This here is a typical monkey staff technique to lift the staff back up. Find other monkey staff instructions at monkey staff main.

Description: Flip Staff from Floor to Shoulders - Wushu

  • Stand in front of the monkey staff and make sure two third of the staff are on the right side of your right foot.
  • Put your right foot on the staff.
  • Slide the foot back with the foot sole pressed on the staff, so that the staff starts rolling backwards.
  • Let the staff roll onto your right foot and then lift the toes, so that the staff stays on the shovel of the foot.
  • Then step over the staff with your left foot.
  • Lift the staff with the right foot, so that the shorter end of the staff (left side of the staff) bounces off from the shin of your right leg. To do so, the foot has to be lifted pretty fast and the toes have to point up.
  • The contact of short end of the staff and the right shin will cause the staff to fly up sideways like illustrated above. (see black arrows)
  • Try to catch the staff with your shoulders and the bottoms of your forearms.

Trainer advice: Flip Staff from Floor to Shoulders - Wushu

  • A lot of timing is necessary for this technique.
  • Try this with a wooden staff before you try it with the metal monkey staff.

Videos: Flip Staff from Floor to Shoulders - Wushu

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