Gymnastic Back Flip Half Twist (180)

Gymnastic Back Flip Half Twist (180)

In this lesson you will learn how to do a back flip with a half twist (180) in artistic gymnastics. Jump off like if you were doing a tucked back flip, twist 180 degrees and land like if you were coming from a gymnastic front flip. Before you start practicing the back flip half twist, you should be able to do normal front and back flips. In this lesson you will learn the tucked back flip half twist. This jump can also be done as layout (fully extended). Find more acrobatic gymnastics flips at artistic gymnastics main.


  • Jump off from both legs and throw up your arms to vertical level. Jump off like if you were doing a normal tucked back flip. Don't initiate the twist before you arm reach vertical level. You have to gain enough height before you twist.
  • Once you are high enough, pull your hands down sideways and grab your knees. You can also pull your hands down to the left side of your chest or grab the left shin with both hands.
  • Twist 180 degrees counter clockwise and then lift your arms again.
  • Land on the balls of your feet, keep your abdominals tight (to protect your back) and bring your arms back to vertical level.


  • I put this jump into the artistic gymnastics section, but it's more commonly seen in extreme martial arts, capoeira, wushu etc.
  • Learn the tucked back flip and the tucked front flip before you try the back flip half.
  • The easiest way to learn the back flip half twist is to jump from a 1 meter springboard into water.
  • Simulate the round-off with a trampoline.
  • Once you can do the back flip half twist from a trampoline and your round-off to back flip is very high, you can try the back flip half twist after a round-off or a back handspring.
    Protect the landing area with gymnastics mats.
  • When you jump off like if you were doing a front flip and twist 180°, that's called Barani.