Shin Splints - Periostitis Information

Shin Splints & Periostitis

Shin splints is just the name given to the pain on the shin bone. (front side) In most cases this pain is caused by an inflammation of the periostium (periostitis). Find information about other sports injuries at injuries main.

Description: Shin Splints & Periostitis

  • As mentioned above "Shin Splints" is only the nome given to the pain at the front side of the lower leg. In most cases shin splints are caused by an inflammation of the periostium.
    That's why the actual diagnosis in most cases would be "Periostitis" The periostium is as a shealth surrounding the bone. (thin kind of skin protecting the surface of the bone) Traction forces from the lower leg muscles can cause an inflammation of the periostium of the shin bone (tibia)

Symptoms: Shin Splints & Periostitis

  • Pain & tightnes on the inside of the shin bone. It feels like if there would not be enough space for your shin bone.
  • Sometimes some swelling can occure.
  • Bumps on the front side of the shin bone. (advanced periostitis)
  • Pain when you stretch the frontside of your lower leg.
  • Because of the inflammation the front inside of the shin bone can become a bit red.

Who is susceptible: Shin Splints & Periostitis

  • People with tight calf muscles or bad calf or hamstring flexibility.
  • Athletes who sprint and jump on hard ground (concrete) a lot.
  • Athletes with bad muscle proportions. For example people who train the calves a lot but have very weak tibialis (tibialis = thin muscle on the frontside of the shin - responsible for pulling up the ankle / toes)

Treatment: Shin Splints & Periostitis

  • Consult your doctor.
  • Rest as soon as possible.
  • Cold therapy reduced pain and inflammation.
    Apply ice after training or whenever the shin hurts.
  • Using shock absorbing insoles. (for example silicone heel pads)
  • Use heat retainers before and during exercise.
    The heat causes blood vessels to dilate and increases the flow of blood.
  • Exercise your leg muscles especially your tibialis.
    (thin muscle on the frontside of your shin)
    For example: Sit down and extend you legs in front of you. Pull your toes towards your body until your tibialis are contracted and then extend your ankles. Always hold the contracted position for a second. Do up to 50 repetitions. 3 or 5 sets per day. Stretch both sides of your lower leg. (not only your calves) Consult your doctor before you start doing exercises like this one.

Trainer advice: Shin Splints & Periostitis

  • Train your tibialis from time to time. Even if you don't suffer shin pain.
  • Avoid sprinting and jumping on concrete.
  • Stretch your legs every day.

Videos: Shin Splints & Periostitis

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