Mae Geri Keage - Karate

Mae Geri Keage - Karate

In this lesson you will learn how to do a mae geri keage -> snapped karate front kick. "Mae" mens "Front", "Geri" stands for "Kick" and Keage is the snapped movement. There is also a thrusted karate front kick, which is more popular. Find more karate instructions at karate main.

Description: Mae Geri Keage - Karate

  • Lift the knee in front of you.
  • Snap out the lower leg and hit with your extended ankle.
  • Pull back your foot fast, so that your opponent can't grab your leg.
  • Put the kicking leg back down.

Trainer advice: Mae Geri Keage - Karate

  • Exhale when you kick.
  • Don't lean back too much when you kick.

Videos: Mae Geri Keage - Karate

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