Front Hand Uppercut - Sanda

Fronthand Uppercut - Sanda

An uppercut is a technique where you punch upwards towards the opponents chin. Uppercuts are found in all martial arts styles such as western style boxing, karate or sanda. In Chinese kickboxing (sanda) the front hand uppercut is called: "Qian Gou" For more sanda techniques, go to sanda main.

Description: Fronthand Uppercut - Sanda

  • Strike out: Don't strike out too long. Your opponent should not see what's coming next.
  • As you strike out, bring your backhand a bit closer to your face, to protect from coming attacks.
  • Go down a little bit with your legs and crouch your back slightly.
  • Punch up, stand up and lean forward, to increase speed, reach and power.
  • Also lift your shoulder appr. 1 inch, so that the punch becomes even more powerful. At the same time, the elevates shoulder can protect you from hooks coming from the left side.

Trainer advice: Fronthand Uppercut - Sanda

  • Lifting the shoulder at the right moment can make your uppercut much more powerful.
  • Don't try an uppercut on somebody without mouth guard or without boxing gloves.

Related Instructions: Fronthand Uppercut - Sanda