Neck & Throat Stretch

Neck & Throat Stretch

Learn how to stretch your neck and your throat. Please keep in mind that these stretches should not be applied too hard. Neck stretched are important in judo, shuaijiao wrestling and combat sports in general. Find more stretches and training methods at stretching main.


  • Throat Stretch
    • Stand upright and put your hands on the lower back for support. Push your chest forward and your shoulders back.
    • Bend you head back to stretch the throat. Don't fully relax your neck muscles. Don't let the weight of the head rest on your spine.
    • Note: Close your mouth when you apply this throat stretch.
  • Neck Stretch
    • Stand upright and put your hands on top of your head.
    • Then bend your head forward and let your arms rest on your head. Make sure you don't round your back.