Multiple Side Kicks - Tae Kwon Do

Multiple Side Kicks - Tae Kwon Do

In this lesson you will learn how to do multiple sidekicks. That's when you keep your knee lifted and perform 2 or more sidekicks in a row without putting the kicking leg back to the floor between the kicks. From the position where the knee is up, you can also do other tae kwon do kicks (for example to front kicks). Before you learn how to do multiple sidekicks, you have to learn how to do a single sidekick. Find other taekwondo kicks at taekwondo main.

Description: Multiple Side Kicks - Tae Kwon Do

  • Lift your right knee slightly over hip hight and twist on the ball of your left foot counter clockwise, so that the toes point slightly backwards. For more information on how to do a normal sidekick, visit the sidekick tutorial.
  • Thrust out your right foot and pull it back fast. The position before the kick has to be exactly the same as the position after the kick. When you first learn how to do multiple sidekicks, start with a low kick to knee hight and follow with higher ones. Concentrate on the position where the knee is lifted. At the beginning you should try hold this position a bit longer. (that's the key) For more information on how to perform a sidekick, please visit the normal sidekick tutorial.
  • Perform another sidekick and go back to the position where the knee is lifted.
  • Perform a third sidekick and again go back to the position where the knee is lifted. Never put your foot down between the kicks. At the beginning you can hold on something with one hand, so that the sidekicks are easier to balance.
  • When you learn this it's enough to perform 3 sidekicks in a row. Try to hold the position where the knee is lifted pretty long. Of course you can also keep going with more sidekicks, frontkicks etc. Or just go back to your fighting stance after your third kick. See normal sidekick tutorial.

Trainer advice: Multiple Side Kicks - Tae Kwon Do

  • If this is very difficult at the beginning, kick 3 times to knee hight.
  • Try to do 3 sidekicks in a row in slow motion. If you can balance it when you kicks slowly, you can also balance it when you kick fast.
  • Another exercise: Lift your knee and breath 2 times. Kick, pull the foot back and breath 2 times again. Do approximately 10 repetitions before you put your foot back down.