How long you can stay China

The school will allow you to stay as long as you want. The problem is usually obtaining a visa from the Chinese embassy in your country. Going to China with a tourist visa is no problem. In most countries the Chinese embassies issue 90 day visas, but in some countries, you will only get a 30 day and one entry visa. Contact the next Chinese embassy for more info. Unfortunately the Song Jiang Wushu School doesn't have the required certificate to run an official student exchange program. So they are not able to help you achieve a student visa. Since a few years only some universities in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai have this privilege. For more related topics go to Learn Wushu in China Main.

More: How long you can stay in China

  • If you want to stay longer than you can stay with a tourist visa (30 to 90 days), you will have to ask the Chinese embassy in your country and tell them that you want to go to a school where they have no official student exchange program.
  • Another option would be asking a Chinese friend in your country to help you get a visa. For example, you could say that a friends family is inviting you to live with them for a few month.
  • You could also attend an official student exchange program and then visit different schools all over China. Maybe you don't like Song Jiang Wushu School and find a better school while being in China. There are tens of thousands of martial arts schools in Asia. Every school focuses on different styles, some have tourist attractions nearby and others are in poor areas or don't have any modern equipment. There are schools that only teach traditional styles and schools that focus on modern styles and acrobatics. Song Jiang is a very modern school, but if you want to learn traditional styles, they will try to find an adequate coach for you.
  • However, the schools situation might change faster than I update this page, so if you want to stay longer than 3 month, I recommend you contact mr Li Chen ad ask him pr up-to-date information.