Triceps Dips on Parallel Bars

Triceps Dips on Parallel Bars

In this lesson you will learn how to do triceps dips on parallel bars. This body weight exercise requires a lot of triceps strength, because you have to lift your entire weight. If the first repetitions seems too hard, start off with normal triceps dips, bench dips or a dip machine where you can adjust the weight. Find more triceps exercises at weight training main.


  • Push yourself up on parallel bars, so that your elbows are fully extended and exhale at the same time. Press you shoulders slightly down and extend your entire body (also knees and ankles). Look straight forward and don't hollow your back. You will probably think that the extended posture is because this site is also about artistic gymnastics, but the straight posture is also important for those who are only interested in bodybuilding. A lot of people bend the knees and arch the back when they do triceps dips. In fact most instructors and websites will teach you to do triceps dips with bent knees and crossed feet. But in my opinion, everybody should keep the entire body straight, so that there is no way you can create momentum with your legs. However, you can bend your legs if you are too tall.
  • Keep your arms parallel and lower yourself until your upper arms are parallel to the floor and your shoulders are stretched slightly. Your elbows have to move back and not open up sideways. Move slowly and concentrated, inhale as you move down and keep your body straight. Don't create momentum, don't lean over. The lowest position of a normal triceps dip should be with the upper arms parallel to the floor, but some people go down a lot further. A rough rule of thumb is that you should stop before your shoulders feel uncomfortable. Some people can't do this exercise at all, because their shoulders hurt from the very first moment.
  • Then push yourself back up and exhale slowly. Make sure you arms stay parallel and your elbows stay close to your waist. Squeeze your triceps and press you shoulders down a little. The up-motion can be slightly faster than the down-motion. If you feel like bodyweight triceps dips are too light for you, you can use a weight lifting belt and attach weights to it. If you can't even do 3 dips at the beginning, I recommend you start with bench dips or use a triceps dip machine where you can adjust the weight.


  • Keep your arms parallel and make sure your elbows stay close to your waist when you lower yourself.
  • Don't swing your lower body, don't create momentum.
  • Stop if your shoulders feel uncomfortable.
  • Only bend your knees if you are too tall for the dip bars.
  • Stretch your triceps between sets and exercises.
  • If you feel like body weight triceps dips are not hard enough for you, use a weight lifting belt and attach weights to it.
  • If you can't even do 3 dips at the beginning, start with triceps dips on a bench.