Bottom Hops - Wushu 3 Sectional Staff

Bottom Hops - Wushu 3 Sectional Staff

The bottom hop is a funny technique often seen in whipchain, double whipchain, whip - broadsword and 3 sectional staff forms. It's said that this technique originated from the wushu whipchain style and later was also applied in 3 sectional staff forms. You are well adviced to learn the bottom hop with the whipchain first, because falling with your glutes on a 1,5 cm thick staff can be a painful experiance. Find more 3 sectional staff instructions at 3 sectional staff main.

Description: Bottom Hops - Wushu 3 Sectional Staff

  • Sit on the floor and elevate your feet. Knees bent slightly.
  • Hold an end-segment vertical in your right hand (thumb points up), and swing the other 2 segments from the right side forward (counter clockwise).
  • Extend your legs to horizontal level (push forward your feet) and laen back fast at the same time. This will straighten your body and elevate your hips for a short moment. At the same time the 3 sectional staff passes under your bottom.
  • As soon as the 2 segments have passed, bring your feet and your head back to its original position. Prepare for another hop.

Videos: Bottom Hops - Wushu 3 Sectional Staff