Tennis Elbow - Lateral Epicondylitis

Tennis Elbow - Lateral Epicondylitis

Lateral Epicondylitis, also known as "Tennis Elbow", is an overuse injury were the forearm extensor tendons are injured / inflamed at the humerus (upper arm bone). This type of injury often occurs in tennis, wushu broadsword and other sports where the wrist is extended very often. Having weak forearms and training in a cold environment increases the risk of lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow). Find information about other sports injuries at injuries main.

Description: Tennis Elbow - Lateral Epicondylitis

  • When you have weak forearms or elbows and do exercises where you often extend the arm and the wrist at the same time, the tendons that connect the humerus (upper arm bone) with the forearm muscles can get injures. This causes pain and weakened your forearms and wrists. The impact of a tennis ball can increase the stress to the elbow. Especially when you hit the ball too early. That's why this type of injury is most commonly seen in tennis players. However, lateral epicondylitis is not a tennis-only-injury. It also appears in martial arts, squash and other sports.

Symptoms: Tennis Elbow - Lateral Epicondylitis

  • Pain on the outside of the elbow.
  • Pain when pressure is applied.
  • Weakness in the wrist. For example when you use a screw driver or when you extend your fingers against resistance.
  • Pain on the outside of the elbow when trying to straighten the fingers against resistance.
  • The symptoms for Lateral Epicondylitis are similar to the symptoms of "Radial Nerve Entrampents" and in some cases neck Injuries - Because of the nerves that go through the neck to the hands.

Who is susceptible: Tennis Elbow - Lateral Epicondylitis

  • Tennis Players - Especially when you play in a cold environment or when you don't warm up.
  • Squash and Badminton Players
  • Martial Artists:
    • Wushu: Broadsword, Straightsword etc.
    • Wing Chun and Grappling
    • Wrestling
  • Climbers

Treatment: Tennis Elbow - Lateral Epicondylitis

  • Rest
  • Consult a sports injury specialist.
  • Cold Therapy: Apply ice to reduce inflammation and release pain.
  • Antiinflammatory drugs (non steroidal)
  • Stretching and sports Massage for the forearm muscles.
  • Strengthening exercises for the forearm muscles.
  • Use a tennis elbow support: "Epicondylitis Clasp"
  • Heat Retainers
  • Ultrasound or laser treatment
  • In extreme cases:
    • Steroid injection
    • Surgery
    • Rehabilitation program

Advice: Tennis Elbow - Lateral Epicondylitis

  • Warm up your wrists and your forearms.
  • Strengthen your forearm muscles.
  • Don't exercises in a cold environment. And if you do so, use long sleeves or a heat retainer.
  • Rest if you elbow already hurts. Tennis elbows usually heal within 2 - 3 weeks. If you don't rest and wait to long recovery process can be very long.

Videos: Tennis Elbow - Lateral Epicondylitis

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