Plyometric Barbell Punches

Plyometric Barbell Punches

In this lesson you will learn how to do plyometirc barbell punches. That's an exercises used to improve the speed of your punches. In China, thousands of Sanda fighters use the barbell punch to their punching speed. On the first view, this looks like complete nonsense, and actually, most poeple do it so wrong, that the only effect it has, is destroying spinal disks. Before you try this, you should know how plyometric exercises work and how this exercise can improve the speed of your punches. Find more plyometric exercises at track & field main.

Description: Plyometric Barbell Punches

  • Stand with one leg in front of the other, and bend both knees. This should be a stable high bow stance, where both feet are in one line and the heel of the back leg is a little elevated. Keep your abs tight and round your back slightly. The biggest mistake you could make is hollowing your back. If you relaxed your back, this would be terrible for your spinal disks. Stand upright and look straight forward. Start with the barbell close to the chest and lock your shoulders - keep them still. Grasp the barbell with an overgrip a bit wider than shoulder width, but less than 2. BTW, his isn't an exercise for heavy weights. Use an empty 20 kg or a 10 kg bar.
  • Push the bar away from your chest and keep your shoulders still. Don't shrug your shoulders forward as you punch. Push the bar forward and slightly up, and move the bar in a straight line with your shoulders (no curve). This is an explosive, straight movement. The elbows can be a little below this line, but not too much. You can compensate some of the movement by moving your hips. However, I recommend you try not to move your hips and really really keep your abs tight.
  • Before the arms are fully extended, pull the bar back towards your chest. This is an explosive contraction too. It's all about the direction change.
    You only apply 2 contractions: One when you push the bar away, and one when you pull it back. The rest of the time, the bar moves (flies) from alone. Never let the bar touch your chest, never fully extend your arms. Keep your shoulders immobile. Don't shrug them back and forth.

Trainer advice: Plyometric Barbell Punches

  • Do 3 sets of 6 to 15 repetitions.
  • Keep your abs contracted during the entire exercise and never hollow your back.
  • Combine this exercise with free weight exercises like bench press. Do plyometric exercises for the upper body 2 times a week and normal strength training with weights 2 or 3 times per week.
  • Stop immediately if you feel discomfort in your elbows, the shoulders, the wrists or the lower back.

Videos: Plyometric Barbell Punches

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