Corkscrew - Capoeira, XMA, Wushu

Corkscrew - Capoeira, XMA, Wushu

The cork is typical XMA (extreme martial arts) trick originating from capoeira. Its original name is Folha Seca com Giro (lit: gainer with twist) Execution: Swing your legs forward up and rotate 360 degrees in the air. It doesn't matter if you throw your legs perfect straight up, but your feet should be at least over head level. When you see trickers do corks and compare them to wushu butterfly twists, one of the main differences is, that the legs are extended in wushu b-twists and bent in corks. The reason for this is, that when you do a cork, you have to flip your legs all the way around (over head). If you would extend your legs, you could easily create enough momentum for 2 twists, but it would be a lot harder to do the somersault. Another difference is that corks are landed on both legs together. I posted this in the wushu section, because some wushu athletes to this jump now. However, the corkscrew is more of a capoeira and extreme martial arts thing.


  • Run forward and strike out with your arms.
  • Swing up your right leg, lean back and swing up and your arms. The right leg moves a bit like in a karate toundhouse kick, but higher. (to make it easier to initiate the rotation)
  • Follow with your left leg, close your together and turn your had to the left. Look over your left shoulder. Pull your hands to your upper body and bend your knees.
  • At the beginning you will land your corks on all 4, but later you will be able to land upright with your hands up. Be careful with your wrists and your ankles. Be prepared to land on your forearms, toes and knees together. (at the beginning)
  • Watch the corkscrew videos below.
  • In wushu ditangquan, corks are done with straight legs and landed on the stomach.


  • Learn the gainer before you try the corkscrew.
  • Try your first corks on gymnastics landing mats or sand. Your landing mats should not be too soft to jump off from but also not hard.
  • You can also jump from a reuther-springboard (wooden springboard used for artistic gymnastics) and land on mats.
  • When you first try the corkscrew on hard ground, use knee protections.
  • This is kind of a risky flip and I suggest you learn the cork with the supervision of somebody who can already do it.