Cartwheel on Staff - Wushu Monkey Staff

Cartwheel on Staff - Wushu Monkey Staff

In this lesson you will learn how to do a monkey staff cartwheel. You can also practice this technique if your normal wushu cartwheel is kinda slanted. Find more monkey staff skils at monkey staff main.

Description: Cartwheel on Staff - Wushu Monkey Staff

  • Hold the staff with both hands. Both thumbs point up. Left hand over right hand. The distance between the hands is approximately one shoulder width. Start with the left leg behind the right leg or run forward. The shorter the distance from the left hand to the end of the staff, the easier. The longer, the better.
  • Step forward with the left foot and put the upper end of the staff on the ground. (distance from left leg to the staff: Appr. 2 shoulder widths or one step length) If you are using a wooden staff, make sure you put the thicker end of the staff on the ground. (so you would have to start with the thick end pointing up)
  • It's very important that your hands are still in the same position as in the beginning. Swing your legs up vertical and keep the staff vertical too. The chest must stay close to the staff. To give this technique a special kick, extend your elbows a bit more in the middle of the cartwheel. (so you will whip yourself up and land like jumping from the staff)
    • EXERCISE: If you are afraid of doing the cartwheel on the staff because you think your staff will break or you will fall, you can first try it on a thin three or something that's firm in the ground. Just grab the tree close to the floor and swing up your right leg so that your foot touches the tree. Tip the tree with your toes. You have to grab the tree like if you would hold the staff - see description. Kinda do a handstand on the tree. (that's much easier than a normal handstand) Than do the whole cartwheel. This will also help you get your technique vertical.
  • Then land on your right leg.

Trainer advice: Cartwheel on Staff - Wushu Monkey Staff

  • Straighten your arms in the middle of the technique to propel yourself over.
  • Keep your chest close to the staff.
  • The shorter the distance from your left hand to the top of the staff, the easier.