Protein Powders

When you work out your body needs extra protein for recovery and protein shakes are usually the first choice. Studies have shown that protein intake around 1 gram per pound of body weight can significantly decrease risk of overtraining. Well, sounds pretty simple, just get a can of protein powder, mix the powder with milk or water and get your extra protein whenever you want. But with so many different products out there is can be quite different to choose the right supplement. Find more sports nutrition related topics at nutrition main, or click here to learn more about sports summplements.

Description: Protein Powders

  • But how do you pick the right product out of the hundreds. First of all you have to ask yourself what you want. Do you want to lose fat, gain weight or do you just need a meal replacement? If you want to lose fat, you should get a high protein, low calory protein powder so that you get enough protein in order to keep your lean muscle mass but not too many calories so that you put on weight. If you want to gain weight, you should get something high in calories and high in protein. But make sure it is low in fat and sugar because you don't want to pay for low quality carbs. And if you want a simple meal replacement find something in-between.
  • And then there are different types of protein powder.
    • Whey Protein Powders
      Whey protein is the easiest to absorb and comes from milk. Highest quality and best form of protein.
    • Egg Protein Powders
      Just like eggs, but without cholesterol and without the risk of salmonella.
    • Soy Protein Powders
      That's just the veggie solution. Works fine, but of course it's not as effective as whey or egg protein.
    • And then there are also mixtures and a few other types, but the above 3 are the most popular.

Advice: Protein Powders

  • Protein supplements should not be your only source of protein. Eat real high protein meals as often as possible. Personally I only drink protein shakes after heavy workouts or if I don't have time for a real meal.
  • Recommended dose of protein: 1g per pound of bodyweight
  • Too much protein (over 2g per pound) can lead to kidney damage.