Chest Muscles - Cable Cross

Chest Muscles - Cable Cross

The cable cross is a chest exercise where you pull down two cables in front of your chest until your hands or your forearms touch each-other. This exercise produces a nice pectoralis (chest muscles) contraction which is good for definition. Always do the cable cross at the end of your chest workout or after the bench press. Find more chest exercises at weight training and bodybuilding.


  • Stand with your feet about one shoulder width apart and lean slightly forward. Bend your legs a little and keep your back straight. Start with the hands at shoulder height and keep your arms bent.
  • Then pull down the cables down until your hands or your forearms touch each-other. Exhale at the same time and hold the end position isometrically (for about one second).
  • Then move back up slowly and inhale. The up-motion should be slightly slower than the down-motion. Don't let your hands go past shoulder height.
  • Do 12 to 15 repetitions and then stretch your chest muscles.


  • Do the cable cross at the end of your chest workout or after the barbell bench press.
  • Superset recommendation: Barbell Bench Press + Cable Cross