Donkey Calf Raise - Calf Muscles

Donkey Calf Raise - Calf Muscles

The donkey calf raise is an exercise for the calf muscles that is done without weight training equipment. All you need is a training partner. The donkey calf raise is actually one of the most effective calf exercises and trains both, soleus and gastrocnemius muscles. Find more exercises for the calf muscles at weight training main.


  • Stand with your feet less than shoulder width apart and bend your knees a little. Keep you knees motionless throughout the entire exercise. Don't extend or bend your legs when you lift your heel. Lean forward so that your upper body is parallel to the ground and let your training partner hop on your back. Put your hands and/or forearms on a high box, table or bench.
  • Now lift your heels until your calf muscles are fully contracted. Exhale as you lift your training partner and don't move your knees. Only extend your ankles.
  • Then lower your heels again slowly and inhale. The down-motion should be slower than the up-motion. Your heels can touch the floor, but don't rest on your heels. To increase the stretch at the lowest position of the donkey calf raise, stand on 10kg plates or a low box.


  • If this exercise is not hard enough, find a heavier training partner, try donkey calf raises with two training partners, or simply do more repetitions.
  • Your training partner should sit on your lower back.
  • There are also donkey calf raise machines.
  • To add more stretch at the lowest position of the donkey calf raise, stand on two plates or a low box.