Reverse Dumbbells Flies - Rear Delts

Reverse Dumbbells Flies - Rear Delts

In this lesson you will learn how to do reverse flies with two dumbbells. This exercise trains the back side of your shoulder muscles (rear delts). You basically bend forward and lift your dumbbells sideways. Make sure you keep your back straight and exhale as you raise your arms. The reverse dumbbell fly is not designed for heavy weights. Find more shoulder exercises at weight training main.


  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, bend your knees slightly and lean forward. Your upper body should almost be parallel to the floor. Look forward and don't round your back. Hold two dumbbells in your hands with your palms facing each-other. Your elbows should be slightly bent.
  • Then raise your dumbbells sideways backwards, until your arms are parallel to the floor. Move your weights slowly and concentrated. Exhale as you lift your dumbbells and don't create momentum. At the end of the movement your palms should face the floor. BTW, there are two variations of the reverse dumbbell fly. 1) With the palms facing the each-other at the beginning and the floor at the end. 2) With the thumbs pointing to each-other at the beginning and to the floor at the end. Variation 2 emphasizes more on the inner part of the rear shoulder muscles.
  • Then lower your dumbbells again and go back to the beginning position. Don't let the weights fall. The down-motion should actually be slower than the up-motion. Inhale as you lower your dumbbells.


  • You can also do your reverse flies on an incline bench, so that you don't have to care about your back.
  • If you don't have any dumbbells, you can also do your reverse flies with water bottles, stones, bricks or a theraband. Again, this exercise is not designed for heavy weights.
  • Superset recommendation: Reverse Dumbbell Flies + Arm Circles