Triceps Push-Up

Triceps Push-Up

In this lesson you will learn how to do triceps push-ups. The triceps push-up is an excellent body weight exercise you can do anywhere. BTW, there is another triceps push-up variation, the triceps/shoulder push-up, where you plant your hands under your waist. A lot of people get confused with these two exercises. Find more triceps exercises at weight training main.


  • Plant your hands right under or slightly in front of your shoulders and extend your elbows. Keep your arms parallel during the entire exercise. Distance between hands: One shoulder width. If you plant your hands to far in front of your shoulders, your feet might slide back when you move down. That's why I usually do the triceps push-up on a wall. Contract your abdominals a little and keep your entire body straight. Don't let your hips hang.
  • Now, lower your chest and your elbows. Inhale at the same time. The closer you bring your elbows to the floor, the more intensive the triceps push-up becomes. If you don't plant your hands far enough in front of your shoulders, you can't move down at all. Keep your arms parallel. At the beginning you will probably not be able to move all the way down, but make sure your bend your arms at least 90°.
  • Then push yourself back up and exhale slowly. Fully extend your arms and squeeze your triceps. Don't open your elbows sideways. The up-motion should be slightly faster than the down-motion.


  • Stop immediately if you feel pain in your elbows or your shoulders.
  • I recommend 3 sets of 8 to 20 repetitions and 1 to 2 minutes rest between sets.
  • Stretch your triceps between sets and exercises.
  • Move slowly and concentrated.
  • Don't open your elbows sideways.
  • The closer you bring your elbows to the floor, the more intensive the triceps push-up becomes.