Isometric Side Bridge

Isometric Side Bridge

In this lesson you will learn how to do a side bridge. The side bridge is an isometric core exercise, where you lie down sideways and support yourself with one arm. By keeping the legs and the upper body in one line, you work your core isometrically. Isometric exercises are exercises where no motion is involved. So there is is no need to swing your hips up and down when you do this exercise. For more information on isometric strength training, click here. Find more track and field related training methods at track and field main.

Description: Isometric Side Bridge

  • Lie down sideways and support yourself with one arm. The other arm rests on the hip.
  • It's very important that you keep your entire body straight. The legs have to be extended and in one line with the spine and the head. Don't let your hips hang!
  • The forearm of the supporting arm is flat on the ground and the hand is closed. You can also do this with the hand opened, but I I recommend you close your hand and contract your forearm slightly.
  • The angle between trunk and supporting upper arm is 90°.

Trainer advice: Isometric Side Bridge

  • Hold this isometric position for 10 to 30 seconds and do 2 or 3 sets per workout.
  • By altering this angle between trunk and upper arm you can emphasize on shoulder or back strength. If the angle is > 90° you need more back strength to hold the side bridge. If the angle is < 90° you need more shoulder strength to hold the side bridge.

Videos: Plank Bridge - Isometric Core Strength

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