How to do a Wushu Kipup

How to do a Wushu Kip Up

In this lesson you will learn how to do a kip up. The kip up, in Chinese: "li yu da ting" is a basic "wushu - di tang" technique done by practitioners of many different martial arts. A kip up is when you lie down on your back and stand up with a fast leg whip. At the beginning you can put the hands next to your ears, but later you should also learn the kip ip without hands. Find more ditang techniques at wushu ditang main. Find more wushu techniques at wushu main.

Description: How to do a Wushu Kip Up

  • Put your hands next to your ears (fingers point towards your legs) and start lifting your legs at the same time. Roll back a little bit as you lift your legs, so that the weight rests on your upper back and your hips are elevated slightly. Lift your legs with the knees totally extended. For most beginners the kip up is a bit easier with the knees bent. A more difficult variation of the kip up is when you don't user your hands.
  • When your hands are on the floor, keep putting more weight onto your upper back and your hands and bring your feet a bit closer to your head. Keep raising your hips at the same time. The legs don't really have to be that close to the head, but should be beyond vertical level.
  • Kick up your legs as high as possible and keep your knees extended. If you lifted your legs with the knees bent, extend your legs before you reach vertical level. This must not happen while you are putting more and more weight onto your upper back (when you are rolling backwards). You would hop backwards and probably injure your neck. The first half of the leg kick is to elevate your hips even further. So the hips should not move back down as you kick your legs. Press down your head and your hands as long as possible.
  • Press down your head and your hands very hard. You can also try the kip up without hands later, but you neck muscles will become really sore after your first tries. When your hips are high enough, hollow your back, but try not to bend you knees too much. (beginners usually tend to bend their knees a bit more) If you don't press down your head, you will also not hollow your back and mess up more likely. So get used to using your neck muscles, even if you are practicing kip ups with hands.
  • As soon as you hands release the floor, use your ab muscles to bring your upper body back to an upright position and extend the arms in front of your chest, so that your center of gravity moves further forward and the landing becomes easier. The futher you seperate your feet and the more you bend your knees, the easier. The closer you keep your feet and the straighter you land, the better.
  • Try to land as upright as possible and look straight forward.

Trainer advice: How to do a Wushu Kip Up

  • Learn the kip up with the hands next to the ears at first. That's the easiest kip up variation. Later put your hands flat onto the floor. Once you can also do this, try the kip up with your hands on your tights.
  • Make sure you don't kick your legs too early. You might hop backwards and injure your neck.
  • The kip up sometimes is also called skip up.
  • Different kip up variations:
    • Kip up with the hands next to the ears. (easiest)
    • Kip up with the arms flt on the floor.
    • Kip up with the hands on the thighs.
    • Kip up without hands. (most difficult)