Wushu Spear

Wushu Spear

The spear (qiang) is a modern wushu weapon, but there are also traditional spear styles. Athletes who practice the spear usually also do straightsword. Since 2001 these two disciplines are mainly performed by women. Because wushu was supposed to become an olympic event by 2008, the international wushu committee said that women will now have to compete in straightsword, spear and taiji, while men will have to compete in broadsword, staff and nanquan. Most female wushu artists always preferred spear and straightsword anyway. For more wushu and basics go to wushu main.

Style Description

  • Your (qiang) spear should be a bit taller than you. Just like the staff, the wushu spear is made of wood, but it is a bit thinner, because the spear should be more flexible than the wushu staff.
  • Spear movements are very fast, smooth and round. However, there are also some straight, aggressive wushu spear skill.
  • Acrobatic Jumps like the cartwheel without hands are performed with the spear in your hands. Well, only in modern spear forms.
  • Many staff techniques are similar to some spear techniques.


  • Learn the basics and the jumps before you start learning spear or other wushu weapons.